Market Segment Analysis

Market Segment Analysis


To make any work or analysis easier, it is said to break them into small components and focus one each individually. This will ensure that all the needs are met and are given characteristic solutions and responses. This works the same Market research. The customers are compartmentalised into segments each with a different target. They are divided based on their need. The success of a company’s marketing and quality of it’s strategies are greatly impressed by the segmentation research method. The customers are targeted based on different categories. Some of them are Demographics, socioeconomic factors, Psychological graphics, geographical location, product use and brand loyalty.

For each case listed above, an appropriate method of target is formulated. Large, scattered, unorganized data is divided into segments of customers to make the work easier. This way buyers with similar needs are grouped into one and strategies are designed and implemented to cater to their specific requirements. There are certain guidelines to segment the market to benefit the industry this way.

The segments should be measurable, profitable, long lasting, addressable and reachable. Market segmentation in many cases gives the best possible solution for the launch of a product or service.